Watch Bob Dylan Cover The Rolling Stone’s “Brown Sugar” Back In 2002

via @Eye Flys | YouTube

The video available is not what you call the best quality, but it’s enough to watch a legendary cover performance of The Rolling Stones’ Brown Sugar by Bob Dylan, this is the best we’ve seen.

The audio quality is definitely excellent and provides a shrewdness into Dylan’s admiration for the group with whom he toured before the shift of the millennium. Dylan doesn’t shy apart from his singing duties and provides a jaunty version of the Stones’ tune without hindrance and including the best amount of skill.

It not only features Bob Dylan’s fondness for The Rolling Stones but also indicates a great point in Dylan’s touring career. A moment in his performance when he was quite vocally-nuanced and compelling, the group behind him supported the vocalist with enthusiasm, and his love for the stage was clear for all to watch.

Below you can enjoy the 2002 cover of The Rolling Stones’ ‘Brown Sugar’ from the excellent freewheelin’ musician himself, Bob Dylan.

Keep going for the video below: