Watch Ozzy Osbourne Give A Tour On His Tattoos

via Hail Ozzy / Youtube

Ozzy Osbourne has been a tattoo lover for several years, and his arms and torso show it.

Rebellious as ever, he dropped out of school at the age of fifteen and was employed in various low-paying jobs, opting for the criminal life, robbing homes until he was arrested and was sentenced to 3 months in jail. There, he himself with a sewing needle and a piece of graphite made several tattoos: OZZY on his knuckles and happy faces on his knees. After six weeks of imprisonment, he was released.

He even celebrated his album’s arrival, making history by launching the world’s largest tattoo sales and album listening event in 50 cities around the world, February 20, 2020. Fans heard the album before anyone else and were the first to choose from a collection of Ozzy-inspired tattoo designs.

In the clip below, taken from The Osbournes reality show, Ozzy gives a tour of his tattoos. Be mindful, all of Ozzy’s stories are not BS but always start with “I was stoned out my mind.”

Keep going for the video below: