10 Times Howard Stern Got Into A Feud With Famous Musicians

via Jimmy Kimmel Live / Youtube

With a direct style and irrepressible verbiage, his followers care about his eschatological, racist, or sexist opinions. Since the beginning, Howard Stern has been controversial, below are the 10 Times Howard Stern Got Into A Feud With Famous Musicians:

Jon Bon Jovi

Stern called him “Jon Bon Phony” when Bon Jovi decided to one time skipped Stern’s show to promote ‘New Jersey,’ 1988 follow-up for the ‘Slippery When Wet.’ 

Michael Jackson

‘Miss America,’ 1995 book,’ included an eye-opening discovery that Michael Jackson demanded an off-the-books connection with Stern to help restore his depraved image in the wake of child abuse charges.

“First of all, he has thick white makeup on, like Bozo the motherfucking clown,” Stern wrote. “It’s so thick you feel like you could take a hunk of it off and stucco a wall. And there, in the center, is this perfectly square nose, like a scarecrow wrapped in surgical tape. And his nose is wrapped like a mummy’s except at the tip. At the end of his nose, the tape is unraveling, so it just sort of hangs. … Now, this was weird. Michael has yet to say a word. The tape on his nose is now black because he’s been rubbing his nose. The fucker is melting!”

David Lee Roth

It all began with the hair. Back in 1987, Stern offhandedly suggested why Roth wore a baseball cap because he had a hairpiece. When Roth began doing different radio shows and not his, Stern started naming him “David Weave Roth” and urged people on the street to do the same every time they saw him. Roth finally joined him in the studio; the pair buried the hatched and remained close for many years until another feud happened in 2005. “He looked at me with a blank stare,” Stern told ‘The Daily News’ in 2010, “like he wasn’t concerned.”

Sammy Hagar

Sammy Hagar’s “big beef with me is that I don’t enjoy him in Van Halen,” Stern penned in his 1993 work ‘Private Parts.’ “That’s pretty pathetic, isn’t it? Now he’s walking around, strutting his stuff, ‘I’m gonna kick his ass.’ He’s not kicking anybody’s ass. A millionaire who’s smart enough not to kick anyone’s ass, who’s he fooling? But he’s going to come off as some scrappy young rock star. He’s full of shit. He’s a phony.”

Pete Townshend

The Who guitarist was started to call in from a London studio accompanying with surprise guest Roger Daltrey. They intended to do a couple of songs, as well. But it quickly sinks down the drain when Stern and sidekick Robin Quivers started presenting a 2003 child-porn bust for which Pete Townshend had been cleared. Townshend left, leaving Daltrey to be mad at Stern stating that the issue shouldn’t have been drawn back in the first place.


A bitter war between Stern and Madonna exploded for decades. Stern was never bashful about criticizing her, be it Madonna injected herself into the conversation about accusations versus Michael Jackson or for decorating herself way more youthful than her actual age.

Carnie Wilson

The daughter of the Beach Boys’ Brian Wilson gained her individual recognition in the early ’90s as a part of the hit-making trio Wilson Phillips. However, Carnie Wilson didn’t come to the Stern studio in late 1999 to discuss music. She’d lately undergone gastric bypass operation after her weight bloated to approximately 300 pounds; in fact, Wilson had previously lost 50 ere arriving on the show. Still, Stern scolded her then-fiance Rob, questioning why he would desire to be with someone “fat” and “disgusting.”


Stern was helpful in placing collectively the soundtrack to his 1997 biopic ‘Private Parts,’ and one of the tunes he was most enthusiastic about was the cover of Led Zeppelin’s “No Quarter” by Tool. The group declined for its inclusion, but, despite permission from their record label. Their request that the song be removed eventually left an 11-minute gap on the film’s album. Stern was enraged, later refusing a request by Tool frontman Maynard James Keenan to get on the show and promote a new side project with A Perfect Circle. 

“Howard Stern has been keeping me out of his studio for years,” Keenan told Metal Edge in 2007. “I’m not even in New York, and he’s talking about how I’m in the lobby, wanting to come up to talk to him, and he says, ‘Get that guy outta here!’ And I’m in L.A.”

Dolly Parton

In 2008, Stern edited an audiobook Dolly Parton recorded for her 1994 autobiography ‘My Life and Other Unfinished Business’ to make it appear like she was speaking racist remarks and speaking bad comments against other artists like Linda Ronstadt. “I have never been so shocked, hurt and humiliated in all my life,” Parton said in an official announcement. “I cannot believe what Howard Stern has done to me. In a blue million years, I would never have such vulgar things come out of my mouth. They have done editing or some sort of trickery to make this horrible, horrible thing. … If there was ever going to be a lawsuit, it’s going to be over this.” Stern slammed back by asserting: “It’s an absurd bit. … It’s obviously parody and it’s funny as hell.” He later described it as a compliment that Parton was even knowledgeable of him. No suit was ever filed, and Parton hasn’t appeared on the show.


Robert Plant

The issue between the two was somewhat a quarrel but not as a huge misstep. Stern’s 2017 conversation with Robert Plant had great potential because he’s a self-professed immense fan of Led Zeppelin. Plant desired to talk about his more new solo work, but, and Stern didn’t take the hint. “I am such a fan of that guy, and I took the wrong approach,” Stern later reported to the ‘New York Times.’ “He came in, and I’m dying to ask him about Led Zeppelin. I wanted every detail. After a while he says something like, ‘I don’t want to talk about Led Zeppelin.’ Then I go back and back and back because I was hyper-focused on thinking that’s what the audience wanted. So, in some ways I blew it with him.” Plant attempted to direct the “silly” questions to his new album, ‘Carry Fire,’ but Stern persisted and keeps turning to his old band. Treating Stern similar to any other overeager DJ, a dismissive Plant queried audibly: “Where’d you find this guy?” then questioned if he was a replacement host for someone who absolutely understood what they were doing. As uncomfortable as it all appeared, Plant left on a great summary. “I’ve got another record coming out in three years,” the singer continued. “I’ll be back.”