15 Year Old Girl Completely Owns “House Of The Rising Sun” Cover

via Gabriela Sepúlveda / Youtube

The internet is full of talented musicians, and every now and then, a gem pops up and takes the world by storm. This time, it’s 15-year-old Gabriela Sepúlveda, who completely owns the cover of “House of the Rising Sun.”

In a live home performance, Gabriela sings one of her favorite folk songs, “House of the Rising Sun,” alongside two of her favorite musicians, her dad Omar Rodrigo Sepulveda and her uncle “Caco” Jorge Sepúlveda Valenzuela. The trio creates a beautiful rendition of the classic tune that showcases Gabriela’s raw talent and passion for music.

“House of the Rising Sun” is a traditional folk song that has been covered by countless artists over the years. It is unknown who wrote the song, but it gained great commercial success when The Animals recorded the song in 1964. The song reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100, and it has been a staple in the world of folk music ever since.

Gabriela’s version of the song is nothing short of stunning. Her powerful voice captures the spirit of the song and takes listeners on a journey through the lyrics. Her dad and uncle provide the perfect accompaniment with their guitar instruments, adding depth and texture to the performance.

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