5 Of The Beatles Biggest Hits In The Modern Age

via Beatles Bootlegs / YouTube

On December 24, 2015, The Beatles landed on Spotify, the most popular streaming service among internet music lovers. One month later, a report details the segmentation of the audience that played the Liverpool band during this short stay. The most listened to the song is “Come Together”, belonging to the emblematic Abbey Road album from 1969. It is followed by “Let It Be”, released a year later on the album of the same name, and in third place is “Here Comes The Sun”, also by Abbey Road.

On the other hand, most-streamed songs are not always the same ones that users put on a list to let play. For example, among the songs that have been added to the playlist the most is a song that does not enter the top 10 of the most listened to: “Eleanor Rigby”, by Revolver (1966).

5 Of The Beatles Biggest Hits In The Modern Age

‘Here Comes The Sun’ – 825m

‘Come Together’ – 515m

‘Let It Be’ – 466m

‘Yesterday’ – 419m

‘Hey Jude’ – 442m

There are also small discrepancies in the tastes of men and women. Although the preferences are similar and the first three positions are identical for both, songs like “Hello, Goodbye” and “In My Live” appear in the women’s list, absent in the masculine playlists, while the reverse is found with “Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” and “Penny Lane”.

As for the division by age, we can assure you that the youngest are the ones who least listen to John Lennon and company, while the most Beatlemaniac ethereal range is between 25 and 34 years old. And depending on the age, tastes are different. The most listened to song by those under 17 is “Here Comes The Sun”; those between 18 and 28 prefer “I Want To Hold Your Hand”; between 30 to 34 “She Loves You”; between 35 and 44 “We Can Work It Out”; and finally those over 45 and under 54 listen to “Back In The U.S.S.R.”