David Gilmour’s Wife Calls Roger Waters A “Megalomaniac”

via @Roger Waters | Youtube

Roger Waters has faced criticism for being accused of antisemitism, which led to the possibility of his concerts in Germany being canceled. However, he caused another stir when he defended Putin regarding the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine in an interview with Berliner Zeitung.

This caused a reaction from David Gilmour’s wife, Polly Samson, who took to Twitter to call Waters a megalomaniac. Despite the accusations of antisemitism, Waters plans to go ahead with his scheduled concerts in Germany and is unhappy with the cancellation attempts made by politicians such as Frankfurt’s Mayor Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg and Uwe Becker, and Mike Josef.

In a tweet, Roger Waters accused the attempts to cancel his German concerts of being a smear campaign by the Israeli lobby. He cited his recent interview with Berliner Zeitung as evidence, in which he expressed his changing views on Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Waters stated that he now sees Putin’s actions as making sense and not being any worse than actions taken by American politicians in Vietnam and Iraq. He also spoke out about Putin’s intervention in Ukraine, which he saw as an attempt to prevent a potential genocide of the Russian-speaking population and to combat Nazism. Waters added that he had been exchanging letters with a Ukrainian girl who denied the presence of Nazis in Ukraine, but he did not believe this to be true.

Roger Waters wrote in his tweet:

“The truth will set us free. Against the backdrop of the outrageous and despicable smear campaign by the Israeli lobby to denounce me as an anti-semite, which I am not, never have been, and never will be.”

In the interview, when asked if he called Putin a gangster, Roger Waters replied:

“Exactly, I did. But I may have changed my mind a little bit in the last year. There is a podcast from Cyprus called ‘The Duran.’ The hosts speak Russian and can read Putin’s speeches in the original. Their comments on it make sense to me.

The most important reason for supplying arms to Ukraine is surely profit for the arms industry. And I wonder: is Putin a bigger gangster than Joe Biden and all those in charge of American politics since World War II? I am not so sure. Putin didn’t invade Vietnam or Iraq? Did he?”

Waters then went on to explain his perspective on Putin’s actions in Ukraine:

“He launched what he still calls a ‘special military operation.’ He launched it on the basis of reasons that, if I have understood them well, are: 1. We want to stop the potential genocide of the Russian-speaking population of the Donbas. 2. We want to fight Nazism in Ukraine.

There is a teenage Ukrainian girl, Alina, with whom I exchanged long letters: ‘I hear you. I understand your pain.’ She answered me, thanked me, but stressed, I’m sure you’re wrong about one thing though, ‘I am 200% certain there are no Nazis in Ukraine.’ I replied again, ‘I’m sorry, Alina, but you are wrong about that. How can you live in Ukraine and not know?’”

Polly Samson, the wife of David Gilmour, expressed her disapproval of Roger Waters’ views on the Russian-Ukraine conflict and Putin through a tweet. She labeled Waters as a “lying, hypocritical, misogynistic antisemitic Putin apologist.”

“Sadly, Roger Waters, you are antisemitic to your rotten core. Also, a Putin apologist and a lying, thieving, hypocritical, tax-avoiding, lip-synching, misogynistic, sick-with-envy megalomaniac. Enough of your nonsense.”

It seems that Polly Samson took issue with Roger Waters’ recent comments on Putin. As David Gilmour’s daughter-in-law has Ukrainian roots and has been vocal about her stance on the conflict with multiple statements calling for an end to the war with no winners, her reaction was expected.