Jack Black Can Deliver One Hell Of A Star Spangled Banner Performance

via WNBA / Youtube

Jack Black, a founding member of Tenacious D, is no rookie to music performances. He is also a superb entertainer, comedian, and all-around cultural icon. In 2011, he was requested to sing the national anthem during a Sparks game, and other musicians must take note of his outstanding performance.

The rendition has been recreated as a counterbalance to Fergie’s recent NBA All-Star Game performance, which was criticized for her sensuous take on the emblematic tune. Despite Black’s background as a comedian both in and out of the music industry, his rendition of the piece was free of sarcasm or showboating. Nonetheless, Black’s distinctive furrowed brows appeared multiple times during the performance, conveying the intensity and work he poured into his presentation.

The growing applause indicated that Black had gained over his Staples Center crowd by the time he reached the song’s last verses.

Considering his singing ability and excitement, particularly in the second half of the song, he might have performed without using a mic or a PA device. This man has little problems filling a room with his distinctive voice.

However, admirers of the performer have known for along time, although from completely different sources.

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