Paul McCartney Shares Reason Why He’s Holding Back Songs Like ‘Eleanor Rigby’

via @TODAY | YouTube

The ex-Beatle claims to have more songs with history like the song published in 1966, but that it is unlikely that they will see the light of day.

In 1966, The Beatles released “Revolver”, their seventh studio album in which Paul McCartney presented with John Lennon the theme of “Eleanor Rigby”, a story about loneliness in which the Liverpool quartet began to present a greater musical seriousness and a deeper sense of sound experimentation.

In a recent chat with Uncut magazine, which will appear in the September issue (via NME), McCartney has revealed that he have some “story songs” similar to the iconic composition, which remain on file to this day.

McCartney finds it fun to dream of an alien name for a character and try to give it a story and make it fit with another character’s. He assures that in the case of Eleanor Rigby, it worked when adding Father McKenzie, being the only two characters that are part of the song.

McCartney points out that the dark tone of “Eleanor Rigby” is the reason why the song turns out to be more popular today when compared to the lighter themes of his musical catalog, commenting that in this song it is as if he made a gesture obscene with his tongue, insinuating that it is some kind of provocation.

Paul McCartney released last December “McCartney III”, his most recent studio album, which was written and recorded during the pandemic, ending the trilogy that began in 1970 and whose last installment was released in 1980, in addition to releasing a new documentary series on Hulu, which is a personal analysis of each of its musical stages.

Keep going for the song below: