Relive The “Mockers” Interview Of The Beatles In 1964

via @Fab4info | Youtube

The Beatles in 1964 were one of the newest bands to emerged in the rock scene and managed to claim the most number-one singles. Paul McCartney, of course, is credited in most of their number one hits.

At a young age, they achieved quite a success that anyone would ever dream of, and Press were barging in with banal questions.

In the video below, each of them was interviewed but the most memorable interview was with Paul McCartney.

Paul McCartney started the dilemma “Mods or Rockers?” in the UK in 1964 when he was asked if he likes Mods or Rockers, Paul can’t simply ignore the question.

In the interview, Paul McCartney clearly answered the question:

Reporter: “Are you mods or rockers?”

Paul: “We’re Mockers.”

1964 was the year were The Beatles started their first world tour, launched after their UK tour of the same year. At the time their ages range from George, 20, to Ringo, 23.

Keep going for the short-video interview below: