These 4 Drummers Might Just Be Overrated – What Do You Think?

This May Ruffle Some Feathers

It is confusing sometimes, whether the drummer on this list is underrated or overrated… How do we really define overrated? Overrated is simply a position where we looked up to someone more than they deserved either that person is good or bad. How is that bad? It’s bad because we basically ignore the real good ones, the people who are really worthy of our attentions. We always rely on the popularity and simply ignore the skills and talents… We are baffled and distracted. But anyways, it always comes down to our own personal opinions and taste. Or clearly we just kind of liked these people…

1. Travis Barker

The most overrated underrated overrated drummer of all time…

Best known as the drummer for Blink-182. We rarely see drummers who is groovy and at the same time has a clean chop. Yeah, that’s what Barker is. He can really kick off some ass on his drum playing skills. But most of the time, drumming is about technicality and versatility. Those are the only things we don’t get from Travis Barker.

Well, for people who don’t really know anything about drumming, Travis is quite really good in the eyes and ears, he’ll definitely sound huge. Lots of fast drumming and rolls… The guy has showmanship every time he plays… (Or just showing off?)

Nevertheless, he is a drummer and drummer rocks!

2. Terry Bozzio

The guy who will make you wonder why he has four bass drums on his setup…

The drummer who is known for his works with Missing Person and Frank Zappa. The unexpected disappointment. Does he really need all those setups? What’s the point in all of that if you will not use most of it? Imagine being a roadie for this guy, I already feel bad for his roadie…

It’s so funny to realize (if you’re a drummer), that you can actually play the style of this dude even on a four piece drum set, and can still get boring as (you get the idea)…. There are drummers out there who are much better with a smaller setup. I’m sorry….  

3. Ringo Starr

Sometimes underrated, most of the time overrated…

We all know who this guy is, (shame on you if you don’t)… The guy who’s on display. (No, not really). The one who played for the greatest band of all time. The Beatles! We should thank this guy for The Yellow Submarine!

How did this guy turn up to be overrated when he is actually underrated? Huh? It’s confusing… Well, in terms of real drumming, versatility and technicality are what really matters. Yeah, no argument that no one can be like this guy. The only one who can do a Ringo thing is Ringo Starr. That’s an absolute

4. Lars Ulrich

Metallica really needs a new drummer…

Lars doesn’t have failure, he is the failure… Whoever told that Lars can really play should take drum lessons from Neil Peart or Bonzo… What happened to this dude? He can really play back in the day before their album St. Anger, but what happen? Well, maybe so, if there’s no Lars Ulrich the possibility is Metallica is nonexistent…

I guess, he doesn’t even care what we think about him so why take this guy seriously… Just like any of us, he’s just a human being after all…