Toyah and Robert’s Sunday Lunch: The Movie Is Now Possible

via Toyah / Youtube

Toyah and Robert Fripp, the dynamic duo behind the wildly popular YouTube series “Sunday Lunch,” are considering taking their kitchen karaoke to the big screen. The idea of a “Sunday Lunch” movie is now in the early stages of discussion, and fans of this unconventional musical journey are buzzing with excitement.

The “Sunday Lunch” series, born during the lockdown, features Toyah, the former punk icon, and Robert Fripp, the leader of King Crimson, jamming to cover songs from their cozy kitchen in Pershore, Worcestershire.

What began as a simple clip posted on April 19, 2020, quickly snowballed into a global sensation, leaving fans craving for more. In Toyah’s own words:

“Sunday Lunch came about because we posted one clip, 28 seconds, something like 19th of April 2020, and we had 100,000 replies within five minutes from people who were just desperate, absolutely desperate.”


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These videos became a lifeline for many who felt isolated and frightened during lockdown, offering a sense of connection and joy.

The series has become nothing short of a phenomenon, with a staggering 147 videos filed under the “Sunday Lunch” banner. Toyah reflects on this incredible journey, saying:

“What we didn’t expect is it went from about 100,000 to 10 million, and then last week it was 120 million. So it’s getting bigger and bigger. It’s actually become like a brand… a worldwide phenomenon.”

Now, the idea of a “Sunday Lunch” movie is taking shape.

Toyah hints at the exciting prospect, saying:

“We have a documentary crew following us, and we have quite a big production company scripting an idea at the moment. Obviously, we won’t be in it. It’s for actors to play, but that’s all in the back kind of pool of what do you call pre-production. All of that’s going on.”

While the details are still in the early stages, it’s clear that this cinematic venture is becoming more than just a pipedream.

As for when we might see this movie, Toyah remains realistic, noting:

“Movies take years, you know, for the even scripts to be accepted, so who knows what will happen?”

While it might take time, the idea of a “Sunday Lunch” movie is a tantalizing prospect for fans who have grown to love Toyah and Robert’s musical kitchen escapades.

In the meantime, fans can continue to enjoy the duo’s electrifying performances on YouTube, where they recently tackled Ozzy Osbourne’s “Crazy Train.” Whether on the small screen or the big screen, Toyah and Robert’s “Sunday Lunch” promises to keep rocking the hearts of fans around the world.