Watch Elvis Presley’s Hilarious Mic Shenanigans

via TakingCareOfBusiness / Youtube

Elvis Presley is one of the most famous musicians in history; Not in vain did he earn the nickname of the ‘King of Rock and Roll’ and his biographical film Elvis was released, where actor Austin Butler played him.

Elvis was a young man with a lot of energy, passion, and -why not?- rebelliousness came to take over the stage and conquer the hearts of millions of people who followed him, despite the teasing they did when he was young about his appearance.

Elvis Aarón Presley was born on January 8, 1935, in a family of limited resources. As was said, in the complicated delivery of his mother he loses his twin brother the same day he is born.

Every time he performs, his voice was impeccable, perfect, and legendary. The King can frighten the minstrel who moments before had perched on his personality like a spontaneous in a soccer game.

Watch him be playful with his microphone in the video below: