Watch Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson Share Some Ale

via Rush

Canadian rock legends Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson have delighted fans once again, but this time not with a new album or tour announcement. The iconic duo has unveiled their latest collaboration—a unique and amusing culinary creation known as “Rush Canadian Golden Ale Mustard.” Through a witty video promotion, the musicians showcase their love for both music and gourmet flavors, promising fans a culinary experience like no other.

The Birth of “Rush Canadian Golden Ale Mustard”

In a recent Instagram post, Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson announced the official launch of their quirky creation, “Rush Canadian Golden Ale Mustard.” The caption, attributed to Alex Lifeson, humorously describes the development process: “After extensive and pretty serious scientific analysis using only the highest quality hot dogs, Kozlik’s Rush Mustard has been birthed.”

Evidently, this mustard creation is a result of meticulous taste testing, as Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson have combined their love for exceptional flavors and high-quality ingredients. The mustard, infused with honey and inspired by the legendary Rush Canadian Golden Ale, offers a tantalizing and unique taste experience, unlike any other condiment on the market.

A Mustard Adventure: The Hilarious Video Promotion

To share their culinary innovation with the world, Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson released a side-splitting video promotion. The video captures the playful chemistry between the two musicians as they embark on a lighthearted culinary adventure. While enjoying their “Rush Canadian Golden Ale Mustard” creation, the duo proves that their talent extends beyond music—they are also self-proclaimed connoisseurs of gourmet flavors.

In the video, they express their genuine delight in the magical fusion of honey-infused mustard with the flavors of the legendary Rush Canadian Golden Ale. As Alex Lifeson humorously puts it, the result is “one of, if not the most compelling mustards ever created that I currently have in my kitchen.” The comical endorsement adds an endearing touch to this unique culinary venture.

Watch the video below: