Watch How Teenagers Rock Out In the 1980s

via Len Enders / Youtube

When we are teenagers the world becomes safe in the privacy of our room. The walls become a vital manifesto through the groups, doodles and icons in which we want to look at ourselves for the rest of our lives, the one we then believe is and will be eternal.

Desire, adoration, security, identity, and the desire to escape from everything are feelings that come together on the walls of adolescents’ rooms.

In the 1980s, these teenagers were captured via video in their homes, the place where they would sink to dream. The rooms when we are waking up to the world, are those spaces to explore and discover, in which to let our fury and hormones explode, and in which to dream.

Punk bands, kings of rock, and queens of glam serenely guarded our feelings and our lives in those eternal and distant days of awakening and youth. Who accompanied you? Welcome to a journey through time through the memories and treasures of others.

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